Sunday, December 11, 2011

Naughty and Nice on Child Poverty,0,5920008.column
In America today, there is a large poverty amongst the children, and different reforms are being made in order to support them. One argument is to give the children an oportunity to work, raise money, and learn, suggested by Newt Gingrich. In this article, Clarence page takes a stance on Newt Gingrich's speech on child poverty in America. He criticizes hi argument that we should give children the job's that adults could use. He also criticizes the assumptions Gingrich made when he says, "Contrary to Gingrich's notion that poor kids are exposed to "relatively few " people who go to work, most poor people work. Unfortunately, their work doesn't pay enough to lift them above the government's poverty line,"(Clarence) showing that Cingrich made statements about the poverty of aqdults without doing strong research. Although Clarence does criticize Ginrich's weak arguments, he does give him credit for adressing the poverty in America, unlike the other politicians.

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