Monday, December 26, 2011

Page's Views

Based on his most recent columns, you can see that Clarence Page has liberal views. He believes in political correctness and respect to all different groups, he criticizes republicans , yet with respect. He wants all groups to be treated and seen equaly, which is why he probably wrote an artical on the TLC show about Muslims, because he believes they should be seen as average middle class Americans, and giving the same rights.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All- American Muslims,0,1065749.columnIn his article this week, Clarence Page adresses the criticisms and boycots of the new TLC series, All American Muslims. After a Christian group boycotted the show because it did not show the "violence" of Islam, Page expresses his view, that the show is necesary. He believes the show wil help show the average middle class Muslim family in America, who is not violent, and help ease steryotypes, just as the Cosby show did years ago.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Naughty and Nice on Child Poverty,0,5920008.column
In America today, there is a large poverty amongst the children, and different reforms are being made in order to support them. One argument is to give the children an oportunity to work, raise money, and learn, suggested by Newt Gingrich. In this article, Clarence page takes a stance on Newt Gingrich's speech on child poverty in America. He criticizes hi argument that we should give children the job's that adults could use. He also criticizes the assumptions Gingrich made when he says, "Contrary to Gingrich's notion that poor kids are exposed to "relatively few " people who go to work, most poor people work. Unfortunately, their work doesn't pay enough to lift them above the government's poverty line,"(Clarence) showing that Cingrich made statements about the poverty of aqdults without doing strong research. Although Clarence does criticize Ginrich's weak arguments, he does give him credit for adressing the poverty in America, unlike the other politicians.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Political Correctness,0,4080411.column Columnist Clarence Page, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, wrote about political correctness this week, focusing on Michelle Obama's trip to Nascar to promote Joining Forces, a millitary family supportive group, which was gretted with "booing". Page argues that it is an outrage that politicians are booed and criticized with derogatory words, such as "uppity," as a way of showing political views.  Americans need to be more polite and politically polite to their politicians.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My View: Right to Choose

The editorials I read all have different and contrasting viewpoints on abortion. One believes that politicians need to stop making laws to make abortions difficult for those who need them. The second believes
women have the right to make their own decision. A third supports laws against abortion because it is a torture of baies,Yet, another argues that it is unjust that women aren't getting abortions even if lives are at stake. Finally, the last argues that women should have the right to decide whether to get an abortion or not. My opinion on the subject of abortion, based on my own beliefs and the editorials i read, is that although I see abortion as wrong, and my religious views and a Catholic don't support it, I believe that women should have the option and the right to get an abortion if the situation does not allow them to raise a child to the best of their abilities. For example, if they are in danger of loosing their life, they have no way of taking care of their child, or were raped, women should have the option to choose. All Americans should have the basic right of health, and the right to determine their life.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Right to Choose,  In this suntimes editorial, the editorialist stresses that he/she is pro choice. This author believes that women should have the right to choose to have an abortion or not to, and that what ever the woman decides is right. The editorialist describes a decision a Catholic woman made to keep her conjoined twins rather than getting an abortion, because of her religion. Although it could be suggested to have an abortion, the editorial supports the woman's decision because it is her life and her twins' lives she is making the decision for. The editorialsist believes that woman should have the right to decide if an abortion is right for them.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Protecting Lives?  According to an editorialist in the New York times, making laws against women getting abortions may endanger their lives. The new law, The Protective Life Act, allows hospitals to refuse abortions to women who's lives are at stake, because of their religous beliefes. According to the editorialist, this is not okay, because hospitals are allowing their pateints to die rather than do everything they can to save the women's lives.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Abortion: Against the Constitution.
This Editorial from the Washington Times shows another extreme view of the controversy of abortion. The author takes a stand that abortion should be prohibited because it is unconstitutional and unmoral. The author adresses the fact that a baby can feel intense pain of an abortion after twenty weeks of pregnancy. According to some law makers, this is considered murder or torture of a human being, which the Constitution prohibits by prohibiting "cruel and unusual punishment." The author of the editorial believes laws should be passed to prohibit abortions, and he or she agrees with law makers who work hard to make abortions as unusual as possible.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Freedom of Abortion?

   The topic of abortion has been a country wide debate for years. Fourty years ago, the supreme court made abortion legal in the Roe v. Wade case. This gave women and their families the right to decide if they wanted a baby or not. Many people in the United States support this, but others are trying to create laws that make abortion harder to go through with, especially for lower income families or women. According to the article, politicians need to stop trying to make it difficult for women to have abortions, because it should ultimately be the woman's freedom to make her own decision.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Libyan Thanks

Image 46 of 249:   In this image from USA Today, on the Libyan rebellion, the overall argument is to show the support and nationalism of the Libyans in their revolution. It shows that the women and men in Libya appreciate the support of NATO in their fight for freedom, after NATO forced Gadhafi into hiding. The image shows unity between the people because they are all gathered to thank the other nations, and nationalism because of the Libyan flag.

Target London Media? According to USA Today’s Editorial Board, after flash mobs in London occurred; the government should not have targeted media but rather the criminals as a solution. The Board stated that the decision to target Facebook, twitter, and blackberry messaging as a source for rioting was the wrong decision, because people will always find a way to organize and share opinion. Rather than targeting the media, the board stated, the government should have arrested the mob in previous protests, in order to send a zero tolerance message and to warn future protestors.

Satellite falls to Earth, From USA Today, it has been reported by NASA that a six ton satellite fell to Earth Saturday, and its whereabouts are unknown. Last time it was spotted, it was over the Pacific Ocean, possible heading towards Africa, but it has been reported that it may have fallen over Alberta Canada. According to NASA, 26 pieces of the satellite were expected to fall, the biggest being only 300 pounds, making it unable to do much harm.