Sunday, November 27, 2011

Political Correctness,0,4080411.column Columnist Clarence Page, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, wrote about political correctness this week, focusing on Michelle Obama's trip to Nascar to promote Joining Forces, a millitary family supportive group, which was gretted with "booing". Page argues that it is an outrage that politicians are booed and criticized with derogatory words, such as "uppity," as a way of showing political views.  Americans need to be more polite and politically polite to their politicians.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My View: Right to Choose

The editorials I read all have different and contrasting viewpoints on abortion. One believes that politicians need to stop making laws to make abortions difficult for those who need them. The second believes
women have the right to make their own decision. A third supports laws against abortion because it is a torture of baies,Yet, another argues that it is unjust that women aren't getting abortions even if lives are at stake. Finally, the last argues that women should have the right to decide whether to get an abortion or not. My opinion on the subject of abortion, based on my own beliefs and the editorials i read, is that although I see abortion as wrong, and my religious views and a Catholic don't support it, I believe that women should have the option and the right to get an abortion if the situation does not allow them to raise a child to the best of their abilities. For example, if they are in danger of loosing their life, they have no way of taking care of their child, or were raped, women should have the option to choose. All Americans should have the basic right of health, and the right to determine their life.